Last week while I was (finally) reading William Caxton’s translation of The History of Reynard the Fox, I thought about Julia and your Reynard. So it was a pleasant surprise to find out today you have a new book coming out. I was even more pleased to see the subject matter as someone who enjoys Arthuriana.

<b> One of the things that attracted me to Arthur’s story, and in particular the post-Arthurian part of it, was how Godot-like that world is. It’s a dark and empty world, haunted by the possibility that Arthur, like Godot, will come back and fix everything.</b>

This! I often joke to friends about while others wait for Jesus to rise again, I wait for Arthur. During Covid one of the only ways I could de-stress was along walk in the woods, often listening to an audiobook. Yes, I listened to The Magicians trilogy lol, but another one was Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Buried Giant. The in-between state of Briton after Arthur’s death, that he explores in it was oddly fitting during Covid. All this to say i’m so looking forward to how you tackle this subject and meeting these characters new and old.

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There's a lot of Buried Giant in Bright Sword! It was always in the back of my mind. That moment when Gawain first appears ... many many chills.

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